Enjoy the latest quality of life updates

Building your projects in Gadget is getting better all the time, but using your tech stack is about more than big ticket items. Things like hosted frontends and seamless Shopify Connections help you go fast in a big way, and there are a lot of smaller changes we’re making to improve building in Gadget.
Sometimes it’s about making existing functionality more efficient and intuitive, other times it’s about adding small things to help you stay sane. Here are some of the quality of life changes we’ve shipped recently.
Writing code
You’re here to write code, and we’ve made that easier to do. Share code by selecting lines and snippets in your code files, and copying the URL from your browser. If you see errors or warnings in your Problems Drawer, you can click directly on the issue, and Gadget will take you to the exact line of code and highlight the problem for you. The experience of writing your code is improved too, through better auto-completion and jsdoc typings.

Files and folders
Drag files and folders to rearrange them. Move them up and down your file tree without having to rename the path, and the destination folder will be highlighted as you go. But don’t worry, we’ll give you a heads up to confirm where your file or folder will land before it moves.
The real improvement is if you move or rename a folder, any action that references that file will automatically update to point to the new file name and path – you don’t have to go hunting through your code for all those references, Gadget takes care of it.

Better reliability
Scale from thousands of users to millions. We’ve made the Global Shopify Sync even more robust to keep your daily syncs humming along, even for popular apps with thousands of large merchant installs.
Searching Logs
Find what you’re looking for fast, with automatic filters on event logging. Gadget will display the logs that make the most sense for you. When you’re looking at your development environment, logs will default to live and clear any previous queries to help you start fresh.
Improving the API client
Your API client is your interface to your back-end, and Gadget is always finding ways to make it better. We’ve made non-breaking changes to our API client to keep it as intuitive as possible for our users to interface with their back-end.
We hope you enjoy these quality of life improvements, and the other tweaks we make the Gadget on a daily basis. Let us know if you have any suggestions or feedback in our developer Discord. Keep hacking!