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See all the upcoming features for building apps with Gadget.

Q4 2024

To be developed

Filter read queries by computed fields

Add support for filtering read queries by computed field values.

→ Expected to ship in November

Q3 2024

To be developed

Additional plugins and connections

Add built-in connections to external services. More info coming soon...

→ Expected to ship in September

Upsert actions for models

Add an autogenerated upsert action for data models.

→ Expected to ship in August

Q2 2024

To be developed

Filtering related models

Add support for filtering read queries by record values from related models.

→ Expected to ship in June


Customer account UI extension support

Gadget now fully supports customer account UI extensions for stores using Shopify's new customer accounts. A new access control role can be added to apps, allowing for customers to make authenticated requests from within the customer account UI. Learn more.

Q1 2024


Background actions

Streamline your workflow by automating repetitive tasks and processes. With background actions your app can perform operations in the background, reducing manual effort and improving efficiency. Whether it's data synchronization, periodic clean-ups, or batch processing. Learn more.


Manage your code with source control, track changes, collaborate seamlessly right from Gadget. Start using source control to streamline your development workflow. Learn more.

Multiple environments

With multi-environments developers will be able to create multiple development environments cloned from there existing code, each with its own unique settings, configurations, and resources. Helping you efficiently scale your development and deployment flows, ensuring that applications can be consistently and reliably developed, tested, deployed, and maintained. Learn more.

Editing within the data viewer

Developers can now easily edit their model data directly in the data viewer in any environment.

Q4 2023


Email and password authentication

Enable seamless out-of-the-box email and password authentication for Gadget apps, ensuring user-friendly account management and enhanced security. Learn more

Realtime queries in React frontends

Gadget frontends can subscribe to backend data changes in realtime. Realtime query support is included out-of-the-box in your @gadget-client package, as well as in the @gadgetinc/react hooks package with no changes necessary to your backend implementation. Learn more

Q3 2023


Computed fields with Gelly

Use powerful database features like computed fields with Gadget’s data access language Gelly. Learn more

Google SSO

Integrate Google OAuth into Gadget apps, offering convenient single sign-on with trusted security. Learn more

Q2 2023


Hosted React frontends (general availability)

Build your app's frontend in Gadget, with React. Learn more

Vector database field type

Use Gadget to store vector data at scale for your AI applications.

Team management

Easily organize your applications and contributors into teams. Learn more

All new apps powered by Node 18

Leverage the capabilities of Node 18 on new Gadget apps. Learn more

Node 18 upgrade path for existing apps

Upgrade existing Gadget apps from Node 16 to 18.

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